Вибір штор в будинку тісно пов’язаний з нашим життям. Штори - незамінна прикраса в оздобленні будинку. Хороші штори можуть покращити якість нашого життя. Якщо
штори can be well matched with the colors of the home, they can soften the lines in the home and make the whole space warm. However, the importance of штори is not only part of the home furnishings, but also that they can provide privacy for our lives, block light and sound insulation, and these functions will directly affect the quality of our sleep.
Тканина для шторЩо стосується шторних матеріалів, то тут буде більше варіантів. Який з них підходить для спальні? Порівняно кажучи, бавовна і льон більше підходять. Тому що його зручно чистити і легко замінювати.
2. Ефект затінення
If we want to have a comfortable lunch break during the day, strong light will also affect our rest. In view of the problem of light, choose штори with good shading effect, which can block certain sunlight. It is recommended to choose штори with cotton or flocking fabrics, which have a stronger sense of shading.
3. Протишумовий
A study once said that if the continuous indoor noise is 50 decibels, and there are no noise elimination facilities on the doors and windows, it will interfere with people's normal rest. The key point is to choose штори with sound-absorbing effects. The fabrics made of flocking, cotton, and linen perform relatively better in this respect. In general, the thicker the завіса, the more sound it can absorb. A bedroom
завісапри хорошій текстурі може зменшити зовнішній шум приблизно на 15%.
4. Тепле взимку і прохолодне влітку
We sleep in the bedroom on four festivals a year. In the two seasons of spring and summer, the weather is relatively hot. Choosing cool штори can make the room less dry and hot. It is better to choose light blue ones. It's cooler. In autumn and winter, the outside temperature is relatively low, and the color in the bedroom should be
шториз теплими кольорами, наприклад, червоним, який тепліший.
5. Питання, що потребують уваги
For our bedroom штори, they must also have fire resistance. Generally, cheap ones are easy to burn quickly in case of fire, and good quality ones will have certain fire resistance, so that the safety of the family can be guaranteed.